This administration sure loves its social media doesn’t it?
This administration sure loves its social media doesn’t it?
I see your point now and I respect what your are saying about the early trials and how many of them end up going nowhere but I would offer this to you...
I can’t agree with your assessment that it is more failure than anything most days. LLS research has increased the survival rate of blood cancer patients dramatically in just the last 5 years. Their research has also greatly impacted other cancer therapies very positively.
This is a terrible consequence. I wonder if the conditions of the particular patients in the first trial vs these three that were killed are different.
There’s clearly more to it...maybe...
I don’t like either of them but on balance, Hillary is the “extremely careless” one who left her employees to die because she was too busy trying to come up with an excuse for why it happened (a video no one had seen and which she & the President both knew was not responsible for the attack) instead of ensuring her…
I think the issue is that it is a classic Hollywood (contemporary classic I guess) move to take something that worked and just do it again with different people.
Well, she is friends with Hillary so birds of a feather I guess...
This is one of the many problems in Hollywood and popular writing as well.
People are so bored with their lives they invent shit to be upset about. Get over it already, its a movie. In particular a movie based upon an artform whose creator intentionally blurred race to begin with.
If he was a veteran he gets in.
...dunno...might be BETA Ray...
Seems like good advice for people generally - ha.
Shakespeare and Edgar Allen Poe...
I thought your first sentence was sarcasm but then I read your second sentence and realized you were serious.
Bussard Ramscoop
There are no adorable bunnies.
I’m pretty sure - I could be wrong but, I swear I saw this somewhere - that the people believing in hoaxes like this were more likely to not be religious.
The Queen is not a lizard person but, like all royals, is inbred.