I hear you but, what is frustrating to most people is that politicians have politicised science and blurred the line between the known and speculation.
I hear you but, what is frustrating to most people is that politicians have politicised science and blurred the line between the known and speculation.
I know the AGW Theorists/Zealots will quickly rally to point out how this is not in anyway evidence that the planet has warmed and cooled many times and that evil humanity is will still be the death of...er...humanity but I would alos add to this revelation that not long ago (5 to 10 years?) a campsite was discovered…
They were simply climbing that high so they could see the future - when France joins the British in leaving the EU...
Kudos for the French sinking the Greepeace Rainbow Warrior reference...
Why is everyone so against Darwinism?
Hypocricy abounds...
Speaking of “old timey” did you see Jay Leno and Bob Rigel(sp?) flip his 1978 Barracuda (Hemi under Glass)?
Ha - well not yet anyway!
You know, that was one of my first thoughts too?
Your answer is better!
Comon - we knew this already...now we just need Arnold to get up there and turn on the machine....
I can’t agree with you - this isn’t a fantasy of desire - it is an advertised feature. One that other car companies are delivering in cars that are less expensive.
I like the idea of Tesla but I really have doubts about the viability of this company, it is so dependant upon subsidies and has yet to make production targets - especially now that Musk has his family involved in the Solar City thing.
Seems that it isn’t “self pouring” so much as it is “self siphoning”.
You’re original question was a little vague so I honestly didn’t understand it - I’m not giving you shit I’m just explaining that I’m not clear what your question is so I’ll state what I think you’re asking me and you can correct me. OK?
Great response Captain Nimrod.
Oh that is just globalist propaganda speaking - there is no irreperable damage - there is temporary chaos - -and most of that is because the arrogant elites were so tatally engaged in a circle-jerk about their own superiority they got slapped in the face by the obvious.
Ah, Scotland right?
You must be under 30 years old. You have no idea how poorly the EU has performed because it is all you know.
Actually, I’m going to have to discagree with you on all fronts.