Bill Clenton


Look, all I want is for Nintendo to call me Commodore, Admiral, Chancellor, or something else not totally idiotic and give me free shit because I bought the 3DS XL before the 2DS came out because I could have saved money if I waited. It's their fault I chose to buy a system for what I thought it was worth at the time;

How are you better off now? What benefit do you get from everyone else not being able to buy these games? You've got them, right? You've played them. Enjoyed them. And now you don't want anyone else to play them on 3DS ... why? Some kind of spiteful entitlement? Nope, doesn't make sense now. Tell you what, you can

The whole lack of a unified Nintendo platform storefront (like PSN's, as clunky as that is - another story) is really a letdown, especially (!) given how awesome Nintendo's back catalog is. I think Jason Schreier has mentioned this before, but it bears repeating; maybe Big N will listen up. Any Nintendo software

Was that a piece from "All Things Considered" I just watched?

Some of the best pre-release coverage I've seen for any game in recent years, trip-A, indie, or otherwise. You managed to convey the hype and skepticism in a rational, meaningful way, with context aplenty. Given how rare good writing and reporting are in journalism - much less gaming news - these days, Kotaku is lucky

If only he had been there.

- An HD, 3D Mario and Luigi RPG where it's co-op for one (a lá "Brothers") where you control both at once - Mario on the TV and Luigi on the GamePad - seamlessly switching from one to the other, turn based style, but on different sides of the world and the actions and story progress of one benefit and progress the

Context for my suggestions: I for one really am interested to see what unique new styles of gameplay Nintendo can implement with the GamePad. It seems like they've toyed with innovative uses, and they're continuing with that (I can't wait to see Starfox Wii U in action), but so far it's been riffs on DS gameplay or

I can make out a Call of Duty in there. I wonder why anyone wouldn't want that on DS.

I can make out a Call of Duty in there. I wonder why anyone wouldn't want that on DS.

Holy shit, Jason. 3072! What's your secret?

I just started playing Link Between Worlds and I'm loving it. Here's hoping they can bring the excellent pacing to Zelda HD.

I love ranking numerically. And it feels when I win by being in the majority. The majority is always right.

So ... it's "we'll let you make videos that we specifically authorize you to make but don't you dare deviate from Nintendo's image" ? And that's to say nothing of "let's play" vids that are critical ...

What a let-down. Yeah, some of those lines just suck, but seems like a lot of the blame can be placed on the performance. "Looks like they sent the right team to handle this one" from the Game Trailers video sounds ... sarcastic. It doesn't sound like he wants to be in the game. Like he's saying, "look players,

I'm from the south. So, yes, I can confirm. So good

as the Hon. Mr. Fahey has pointed out on Kotaku from time to time, just because something is awful for you doesn't mean it tastes like shit. Enough salt, and anything can be a magical culinary experience

Cautiously hopeful about this one. The scars from CM run deep.

including gender diversity doesn't mean either making every woman the focus of every story or sugar coating the shit women have to put up with from chauvinists like Mal. No, Whedon isn't perfect with his female characters. They all don't always get as much screen time as maybe they should. They're flawed, but no more