

It’s always weird to watch someone have the willingness to admit that they’re not a particarly rgood person (“I don’t care about people I don’t know”) but ONLY by hiding behind the ego-salving shield of projecting their failings onto others (“but nobody ELSE cares either!”)

Honestly, that’s mostly a defense mechanism by people who work in that industry. If they cared too much they would burn out almost immediately. 

I just might.

We could probably get somewhere by eating the excess babies in third world countries, don’t you think? I admire your work, but would love a sequel to that Lilliputian thing...

You’re right. My life experience as a physician is totally invalidated by your experience as a “medical professional” who works with doctors. I retract my prior statements about how we actually do care about our patients and truly want what’s best for them.

Fuck you and your words.

Naw. The doctors in this system are the ones trying to keep the insurers and big pharma from running roughshod over real people.

We could also maximize abortions to stop the increase in population. Once the population is on a downward trend the availability for healthcare for all will go up. Less people equals more jobs and better healthcare for you and me.

Look man, I’m not even going to debate this shit with you.

You said you know what was in their heads. That’s unscientific speculation.

NoGas: “I see wimmings every day, I know what they think.

No, it’s ‘unscientific bullshit which is fucking wrong’, actually.

Not having well trained doctors is a bad plan.

At some point we’re going to have to stop pretending that we care about people we don’t know.” Oh, so you’re a right-wing “libertarian” that doesn’t care what happens to everyone around you as long as you got yours. Cool! Definitely the framework a “christian nation” should work with.

Your second and third paragraphs are complete bullshit.

Well we do actually have to pay those loans back, so yes, cost of education is indeed part of the equation.

Yeah, this is wrong.

I don’t know where or when, but I’m stealing this non sequitur.

That may be true and all, but there is nothing that beats goats in pajamas.