billy boy, noted gobshite

He got Mumforded.

What? Who called them masterful when they meant masterly? *readies a copy of his beloved Fowler to throw at someone*

It's not plagiarism if it's a reference.

I stopped playing music during sex after I got the shoulder tap to get the hell out of my ex-wife. In her defence, I was playing Tom Waits' "The Black Rider" at the time, which (if you haven't heard it) is what the carousel in Hell might play as you circle around.

*Benioff writing down notes* "fire…the…cock-wranglers…"

Nice. I've plagiarized referenced 8, 6 and 1 many times since that book came out.

I killed who in the what now?

It was (allegedly) accidental, so technically it wasn't murder. It was definitely culpable homicide, though.

Pfft—Norwegian black metal. I only listen to post-procedural Gondwanaland gristcore.

It's just closed captioning, as the mighty din caused by his potato-chip crunching drowns out some of the bon mots in The Unbearable Fatness of Being.

*pours self three fingers of Maker's Moe*

*spreads catsup on belly; forgets stuff he used to know*

92% of all spoiler-related fatalities come from watching too little television. 49% of squinting-related fatalities come from watching televisions that are too little.

Especially when the study is funded by evil corporations like Propter Hoc & Gamble.

I'm impressed/concerned that you were able to laugh without cracking a smile after Teti said "Yes, we're being serious."

Well, painters generally sell their paintings and receive a lump sum for it that allows them to pay for the necessities of life. Apart from that one Wu-Tung album, that lump sum model of payment doesn't generally apply to music.

The analogy would be apt if the musician were paid a living wage while composing and recording the music, just as a builder is paid.

That reminds me of the classic friend-of-a-friend story of the fellow who was unaware that the two Chinese ideograms tattooed on his body meant "red" and "neck" in Mandarin.