I don't understand how they can know how long the sun will last. It seems to me that that thing could explode at any time. That's what I tell my kid at bedtime, anyway.
I don't understand how they can know how long the sun will last. It seems to me that that thing could explode at any time. That's what I tell my kid at bedtime, anyway.
That's just what the evil genius who's manipulating your brain in its jar wants you to think!
Hey hey, oy oy
Pretty sure Neil Young's a goy
Aye-aye, Archmage!
Or, instead of fasting, go get a smoked meat sandwich at Schwartz's. Cohen loves them, and I can tell you they are goddamn delicious.
Scattered thoughts:
I've never been a big drinker, but I've been a drug addict for 28 long years (and I've spent aaaall…myyyyy…moneyyyy…etc.). The hardest lesson for me, and I can't say if it's true for you, is that I can't drink or use drugs and be happy. I can switch to a milder drug as harm reduction, but that's not the same thing…
Noah's self-serving, but I don't think he's a total monster. I think he would want to protect Helen, even if it was truly an accident (the circumstances make it look so damning that it'd be difficult for a court/jury to believe it was an accident). As you say, it would have the additional benefit of ennobling him to…
I love Cross' laugh-without-smiling at the end of those lines. I had a friend who sometimes laughed like that, and he had a similar personality to the character's. I don't know where that friend is now—probably murdered, perhaps by me.
I'm confused—who's rubber and who's glue?
True, but we can expect a significant change in the Newswire's direction after O'Neal is visited by the ghosts of 1980s Bill Cosby, the present James Franco and the future Gene Simmons on Christmas Eve.
It's true! Kill him!
I believe in Australia it's spelled "Ehhboriginow".
That'll teach that bastard Hank Azaria!
I'm late to the party, having just watched it last night. I agree that the divergences are getting silly.
Game of Owns
Why, it's our favorite no-talent ass-clown Michael Bolton, of course! Sittin' oan da dock uh duh behhh, wawchin tah-ah-ahm sliy-up awehhhh…
No, it's not at all reasonable. Even suffering is better than nothing at all forever, because suffering doesn't last forever. Even if your marriage falls apart, you can fall in love again, and that's perhaps the greatest thing in the world. You might feel like you're too fat to be loved, but some excellent women…
Because you've been around here forever, because you're not an ass, because you write well and generally have interesting things to say. And your personal hygiene is beyond reproach.
Yeah, now that I'm older I'm a lot better at music too. I have a bit of a cottage industry with home recordings, and it seems to be picking up steam. I don't want to be Bob Dylan anymore—I'm perfectly happy making my small music in my spare time, and some people seem to like it. I don't need to make money at it and…