"My geode must be acknowledged" - L'il Kanye at show-and-tell
"My geode must be acknowledged" - L'il Kanye at show-and-tell
He's throwing what we're all shitting!
And he sang: "No Herbie no cryyyy / No! Her-bie-no-cry!"
To the masterbatoreum!
Gill Dennis describes it on an interview posted to youtube, which is where I'd heard of it.
You sound just like my ex-wife!
That's a great point. I probably overstated things when I said I was a mess at the time. I was working on recovery, though I occasionally paused my recovery for further research into the nature of suffering. To be in a decent relationship, people have to fix that hole in them that makes it feel like nothing is ever…
"My god—are those track marks on your arms?"
"What? Hey, don't worry about that. Listen to this!" *frails a version of "Shady Grove"*
"Wow, great song! Here's my bank card and PIN!"
*Liam and Bono are interrupted by the potato man*
Oh I'm not saying he wasn't right to take it out—I'd just like to see it.
Good to know that that's settled. Beef jerky time!
The problem, as I see it, is that he's completely insane.
Ok, look: here is your brain. *holds up filthy dishrag* I'm going to use your brain to mop up this puddle of purplesaurus rex Kool-Aid. The Kool-Aid is your brain's feel-good chemicals: dopamine, serotonin, endorphins and such. As the dripping indicates, your brain is now saturated with pleasure. Now here's…
I was 34 and she was 31, though I had a professional job and such (which probably helped—I was a pretty high-functioning addict, by which I mean I could function pretty well when high, at least until I couldn't anymore). And I play a mean banjo.
I was a mess when I met my current girlfriend, but that didn't stop either of us. She helped me get off the drugs. We've been together for six years now, and I'm pretty glad I had some help. If I had done what Dan advises I'd probably be dead in a ditch somewhere with a mindful of chemicals like some cheese-eating…
I don't see what's so weird about people putting sweaty, blood-engorged, veiny cartilage in their mouths. Certainly it's no weirder than eating the acidic mucous produced by a vagina. *considers what he has written, checks into monastery*
The main advantage to being circumcised, for me, was that it allowed me to do the german helmet dance around my anteater school friends at swimming lessons.
Totally agree. I would do anything to spend another month with my mom. When she died, I was the one at home (with a pregnant wife—my early 20s were no fun) and my brother was the one at grad school. He will always regret not coming out to stay with us and putting his grad studies on hold for a bit.
I practically insist that you stay alive, because if I ever go to NYC I plan to foist an acoustic guitar on you [don't play coy with me—I've seen that photo, bub] and cajole you into playing "The Only Living Boy in New York (With an Assful of Tobasco)".
Ah memories. My ex-wife used to binge-watch Grissom-era CSI all the time. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some petechial hemorrhaging in my eye…