
“The lawmakers noted how traffic stops can often mean death for Black folks”

This coming from a person whose posts are easily 50% repeated psuedo-jabs.

Do you actually type out these repeat responses or save some time and copy/paste from a template? Hilarious. Maybe you have cognitive issues and forget how often you use the same lines over and over? You actually think you’re clever?


Now THERE’S the parroting response The Root wants!

There IS a GFM! But...of course there is.

“I hope that they get him the help that he needs.”

Another black face of white supremacy.

“of course there is racism in the decision”

This seems really messed up. Vague. Odd.

Did they start a GFM yet?

“federal charges cannot be pursued.”

“Texas Couple’s Infant Taken From Home For Taking Advice From Their Midwife“

You’re a fucking caricature.

I’m not gonna argue that firearms don’t make it easier to kill than most other weapons. That’d be foolish.

I have no idea wtf happened or how. There’s been weird shit around it from the outset. Lot of CYA goin’ on.

Mom claims gun was secured, on an upper shelf, with a trigger lock.

“country music star Taylor Swift”

“This kid is traumatized and scarred for life”