
Cme know damn well why they’re not identifying suspects. Betcha a good chunk of change it’s because it doesn’t fit the narrative.

“It’s hard to imagine that the response wouldn’t be different if the schools in question held predominately white students.”

You missed the title.

“No Arrests or Suspects Have Happened”

Reasoned and rational.

This lady would sue if they watched Roots, too.

Calling everything racism sounds fuckin’ weak to me.

It’s not just around here. People overlook some pretty damn serious bad behavior when it comes to celebrity/power. Hell...Hollywood STILL venerates Roman Polanski and refuses to cough up the long list of child rapists.

My man.

That actually happened with a friend of mine. Horrible wreck, severe injury and fatality. There were news shots broadcast live from the scene in addition to in the papers. Earl 90s. I wonder if that’s the precedent you’re talking about.

I read the whole damn thing and it’s absolutely ridiculous.

I didn’t say it didn’t happen. I said this woman’s full of shit about the ‘trauma’ and is just lookin’ for a payout. And you’re all full of shit about it being racist to re-enact history.

You said that already. MULTIPLE times.

They need to pay. For WHAT?

Wow. So many of you blurt out the wackiest shit here.

How the fuck would it be seen as a victory? Did the defunct German political party down Bryant’s aircraft?

Every profession that sees death regularly has a morbid sense of ‘humor’.

So wait...the girl merely SAW this, didn’t partake?

You’re almost sixty, canuck. Drop the tough guy shit. It wasn’t a threat. Just an observation. You would be incredibly easy to find. I hope you don’t talk this much shit all the time. Someone who gave a fuck about a scrawny hippie doper polesmoking dolt might think differently and act on it.