
Dude. You’re a limp-wristed cripple. Don’t pretend you can challenge people. Someone might actually take you up on it you idiot. I live thousands of miles away but even if I was close I’d just laugh at your false bravado. I have zero desire to get into an altercation with a frail, old, unhinged stoner faggot.

I almost said I wish I lived in Ottawa. Ha. That would suck.

Bi = fag. Got pox yet?

Well, Kobe’s a victim now. Gettin’ mangled in a helicopter crash is pretty victim-y.

You’re way too visible to talk so much shit you frail pothead.

So did you help that fat fuck stage the ‘arson’, Russell?

I completely overlooked that. Heh. Pretty ridiculous. Then again, ‘Saint’ Floyd gets portrayed that way, too.

Dad’s dead, you prettyboy wannabe rebel. Faggot fuckin’ canuck.

Fair enough. In your defense it’s a minor point in the overall story.

Well...clearly they think she got screwed!

No idea how this got here. Too late to edit.

Who is the ‘you’ you keep referring to.

I don’t see him as being portrayed as an angel here. It’s not even about him really. The article is about photos from a horrific, fatal accident scene being made public.

Tall poppy. Look it up.

Fkn cracker named Sanchez!

Someone quoted in the article you didn’t read.

Other people died in the crash.

How were they all so mutilated? Did the rotors hit them?

Wasn’t worth saying twice, you kook.

Oh shut the fuck up you fucking frail old man. Get a haircut, wannabe pretty boy.