
Wonder what the NFAC or other ‘moorish’ groups think of this.

I love the attempt to make it seem like he announced victims names then danced right after, as if celebrating their deaths. You probably believe that, too!

Look at those ridiculous hashtags.

“Because what the GOP is literally arguing is that “we want people who would fail a background check to have unfettered access to guns”

“challenges Ted Cruz to support background checks”

“This happens everyday far more often in Black and brown communities,” Moore told NBC News. He also called out “armchair activists,” people he describes as those out just to take a picture and post for social media.”

My bad. Sorry. You see where I misunderstood. I see too. Mea culpa.

The facts are readily available and no, no shooting from me. I have zero desire to kill anyone whatsoever.

Only hate I have is for liars.

Except records of what actually happened are available including acknowledgement by the bitch daughter.

Truth fuckin’ hurts, huh? Bunch of fuckin’ liars and supporters of liars. This bitch and her kid ate fucking LIARS and are just trying to make some money in addition to living in their subsidized luxury apartment while being assholes.

It’s hilarious how many of you idiots make such stupid comments.

The one thing that would make a difference in a good chunk of these shitty events is somehow enabling transparency regarding juvenile offenses and/or contact with LE and/or psychiatric issues/treatment/meds.

I like the site fine. It’s funny. I also enjoy calling out liars.

Get a new script. Repeating something doesn’t make it more true.

I’m not minimizing jack. Your writers fucking LIE, regularly, to stir up more drama.

Again, background checks are a federal requirement for all gun sales, EVEN private ones in most states. Yes, there are a few states that don’t require them for personal sales but that isn’t a factor here, and hasn’t been.

Like Daniel Shaver?

“we die at the hands of cops at higher rates and always for no reason.”

The hell are you talking about? Did I address you?