
What am I wrong about. The implication is that this is a regular occurrence. It’s not. The distortion is intentional.

“Jackie” = the new N-word.

MLB = pussies. Remember when those idiots moved to Denver, costing people millions in business?

Title implies this happens daily.

Judging by the lack of ‘white’ in the report, they weren’t.

And yet...Biden’s president.

“As bad as Georgia is for voters right now”

You love you some violent felons dontcha.

I think they’ve been intentionally driven insane by the globohomo subversives who are clearly out to destroy the Occident.

Background checks are federally required for ALL licensed sales. A handful of states don’t require them for private sales. That’s IT.

They’re already calling him ‘white hispanic’.

Everything he did is illegal. Feel free to explain how to fix it since you’ve got it all figured out.

Talk about smug self-importance.

Go take your lithium.

You’re unhinged.

Oh it’s a username! Sorry man, I missed that. I’m...slow :)

No. Not like Bill Burr. Pretty sure you tried that already. And I’m not mad at you. You just say stupid shit. Often.

Ok. Then you have a played out username

You’re a simple minded, ridiculous child. Your Youtube channel is pathetic.

You care enough to write multiple paragraphs, Michael Eric Tryson.