
The logic train derailed when people went haywire over Neeson’s comments.

You will literally find and inflate ANYTHING.

Damn. Got me!

For giggles, you should check her ‘about’ on her website. Settle in for a rambling dissertation filled with endless self-aggrandizing.

Betcha I can guess who runs this whole G/O media thing. ((()))

It’s lucrative as fuck. Cynical as fuck too. Sue and settle.

Lawsuit may still well be legit if the procedure was truly done so sloppily. The charges of racism are suspect as hell. Bet that nurse gets a cut, but SHAME ON HER if she’s seen so many cases of poor care due to BLATANT racism and didn’t speak up

Well put. Are you a writer?

More stupidier. Oops.



“Aye. But l also learned that the best and worst part about being white is you don’t have to learn anything if you don’t want to.”

To clarify...even his past actions weren’t racist. He wanted to hurt someone that looked like his friend’s rapist who ‘just happened’ to be melanated.

Nope. ANY negative thoughts EVER about any LMNOPOC, even if it was related to a vicious crime means eternal racism.

LOVE how the writer talks about white arrogance illustrated by a script written by a black man.

He didn’t make any racist comments. He expressed a moment of rage on behalf of a friend, in context, as clearly delineated even in this article. He didn’t DO anything.


Got a time machine?

I am all for restructuring police spending. Minimal necessary, demilitarize them, and dramatically limit the reach of qualified immunity.

What does ‘saddeded mean’?