
Illegals: We’re so PROUD TO BE UNDOCUMENTED!!!

The FBI has all the crime stats - all of them - regarding demographics and criminal activity.

But hey, the FBI DEFINITELY isn’t a crooked, fraudulent and generally untrustworthy organization. No way.

Can you point me to body cam footage that shows police reacting in a way that’s irrational (outside of the recent hotel hallway shooting, of course) to a situation?

lol - you guys are hilarious.

She gaffed him - twice.

This is all social media in a nutshell.

rly makes u thnk

Not shocked to see things like “letting herself in” in place of “breaking into” and the second story about criminal activity involving rodents supported by this crowd.

Is this sarcastic?

So, is this game worth buying now?

King isn’t an asshole for having that opinion, but he is an asshole for evangelizing it and arguing with fans unprovoked.

The problem is that Shanahan didn’t force him to learn to make reads in his rookie year. Guy was ELECTRIC, but Mike Vick will tell you that you need to be able to make chocies in the pocket at some point.

Turns out, if you just run play action and the read option, you might not be successful once that’s taken away.