Bagpipe lessons for the neighbor's kid!

Just will cost you $4k in premium fuel in under a year and the transmission will grenade itself. the 100 version fixed the transmission through better programming that made the shifts longer, but the dodge version. Garbagge.

Now playing

Oh man. Make them look like the metal clown from Metalocalypse for the extra fun of doubling down on the dystopian future theme.

And the guy she killed by running him over

Its always “current production methods” standards. In the 80's I doubt they had the thought to extract oil from sand.

Also the orange isn’t showing through

Oh metal. A bloody looking trail from a flaming zamboni. Sounds about perfect for a half time show at a minor league hockey team.

film adaptation by ether Michael Bay or M Night Shyamalan.  There can’t be anyone else. 

I drive an e-tron and haven’t had an issue. Live in an upper end neighborhood as well.
Never been stopped outside of going 110 in a 60. Even then I got a verbal warning. I was respectful and listened.
I didn’t get a strip search, didn’t get asked to step out, didn’t get beat up, and didn’t end up on the national news.

But that would mean that Chrysler would have to spend money to add an offset front impact bar and flip the dash.

I’m just curious why the front overhang is soo brutally short.
Oh right. more profit, less cost, lower regulations.

The bar that crosses from left front wheel to the right front wheel.  Why copper out the thing and leave the grille bar as chrome?  Seems like a lazy render.

Make it a fleet of old run Mini’s with a square/box tube exoskeleton on the sides by the door contact points.
Call it the assclown selective serivce or ASS. Can branch out to parking or visiting car events and parking along the exit streets co the cars and coffee effect cant have people mustang themselves into crowds

A rather modest 48V system with a small battery/capacitor bank tied to the ass end of the motor would prove quite useful. However on a $100k+ vehicle, apparently that is too costly to offer standard.

Also given the currently available Chrysler hybrid system, It is unclear if it will have any net gain on efficiency.

Was watching a bitch in a extended Suburban sawing back and forth between two spots next to my car an another. Trying to pull in forward mind you. 7 attempts.
Took a little video. Stopped recording and asked her for her insurance info for her to fix my car. She scoffed and did a “do you know who I am” and my answet

The Jeep could have the roof line slope down about 2-3 inches at the rear to cut down the visual mass on the uprights to make the rear end look less like they tacked an old wagoneer greenhouse to a suburban. Give it a less square visual mass with little negative effect in form and function.
Benefit is the eased roof

Why not copper up the front transit bar as well?!? Soo stupid.
Also there is a copper and white/tan GTR around here that has the flares and bright work reproduced in brushed copper. It looks freaking awesome.

See Florida’s and Mississippi’s state troopers with their wraps that look normal at first glance but have the effects ghosted in. Or look like some knob with some tasteless guns and “support troops” wrap.

Don’t do stuff to fear a police unit. Easiest fix.

The black trim helps hide the absolute mass of the vehicle. The brighter trim (body color should be an option) really highlights the awkward proportions of the vehicles.
It still looks like a high school shop graduation project of grafting an old wagoneer greenhouse on a modern suburban.

Try glasses or optical surgery if you cant see at night. If you choose ether, don’t drive at night.