Bagpipe lessons for the neighbor's kid!

OH NO!!!! WATER! Who would have thought we would get wet on a boat?
P.S. that boat had a roof. Hiding from rain in a roofed boat, in your swimsuit is the most Florida thing I’ve heard in a while. Aside from bear-hand fighting Pythons while high on bath salts.

I guess it would devolve into an office fight over who goes to Miami on the company dime. Then again their overlords forcing a daily quota of a slideshow article don’t seem the most accommodating in the expense department.
Monday to Monday (the full weekend) is about $100 round trip before Spirit nickle and dimes you

Miami. So they are too south to throw oranges at it and too north to throw limes. So, jorts to prep the track?

P.S. this track looks rather pathetic. Why not Homestead? Oh... right. Street courses get a pass on safety.

Perhaps back in the 90's. Their wings are just oil pucks now. They fry, bake, freeze them they get defrosted in the fryer again the day (hopefully) they are getting served, then sit under a hop lamp till you order. Then they get a warming fry and tossed in sauce laced with enough acid to hide the puck of gelatinized

The delta hub in Atlanta after about 8:00pm has just vending machines or some wildly overpriced hooters/applebees quality slop.

This is the answer. Sadly most airports will gouge a handful of grapes and two cubes of some melon to about $7.00. So protein bar and a bottle of chocolate milk.

You forgot the overpriced Subway option. The wildcard.

Also a Chiptole is a time bomb for EVERYONE in a recycled air environment from 5-60 minutes from the time of taking that first bite.

They need to ban Chipotle in general. Its a step up from Hooters food and that is the same sized step up from slurping from a sewer.

I am curious to the power one can coax from that little motor.

Inefficient/inadequate heat exchange and air flow from the HVAC.

Not a fan of the braces look?

Considering it was probably part of a track day, they were most-likely well into the battery.
The one thing I will say different tho, is that the e-tron GT distance is excluding the regen braking. the high voltage (800) system they run on it does add quite a bit of braking power. The Hummer EV runs on a 400v system

70-the rear of the target in front of them.  Especially with the offroad tires and typical hummer driver sticking an inch from your rear bumper.

I would rather have the GR Yaris for a lot less weight and frontal mass for higher speed. Hell, that engine stuck in a GT86 would be a riot.  However that isnt a thing we will ever see from the bean counters.

I am kinda shocked GM just didn’t slap a new grille on it and pull the Spark name over or one of the LONG list of dead model names they could have used.

The car is just a bit too ugly, a bit too pricy, too cheap feeling, and a bit too self-immolationey to really sell the numbers. It reeks of GM bean counters killing a

If F1 is getting hassled at the early stage, expect the same or worse closer to race time.
IMO, take that football and go. There are plenty of other tracks in more populated areas that can demand more eyeballs and inconvience more people if it must be a Street circuit. As for the race itself, there are a LOT of tracks

Could is the word you are looking for.

The Skittles thing never hit me as wrong. My gay sister and her wife never saw this as an issue as well as their friends. Most found it cute. The only people that really seemed to get bent out of shape for it were the SJWs that find a hobby of getting angry on behalf of others while throwing the marginalized group’s

It’s probably the best beer for using its cup to catch a baseball. Nothing of value is lost and the almost beer flavor and smell barely make it on the ball.

If only Red Lobster was edible, then this would be a fun deal. By far the worst “seafood” restaurant in the city.