
Thank you very much.

An open letter to Evan Narcisse:

Ohhhhh . . . now I’m craving that! Great idea for lunch, thanks!

Totally the same, broseph. Good take.

To be fair, the figure is 19 inches tall. Does that take skill? Yes it does. Does it take practice? Yes it does.

Plus he’s had a pretty heavy hand in ensuring Fast and Furious remains ethnically diverse and doesn’t fall into ugly stereotypes.Which has in turn proven that diverse casting can bring in the big Hollywood bucks despite Hollywood’s attempts to constantly white-wash everything and/or only make diverse movies when

This looks like it will really BE Black, too. Hell, every episode is named after a Wu-Tang song! I CAN’T WAIT.

Are you reading Ta-Nehisi Coates’ Black Panther run? I think we’re only up to issue 3 or 4 so far (I’m behind on picking up my shit from the comic book store), but it’s so good. And SO BLACK.


Exactly. This is a shit analysis. Part of the reason people claim men are better comedians is because of this “Kicked in the balls” kinda Jackass crap. That made them tons of money. If it’s good for the gander, it’s certainly good for the goose.