I thought it was going to be the real buffalo they run across the field and was delighted that I could actually laugh instead. I still feel bad for the guy that really hurt.
I thought it was going to be the real buffalo they run across the field and was delighted that I could actually laugh instead. I still feel bad for the guy that really hurt.
That would disproportionately affect minorities. Are you racist?
This article is typical leftist entitlement that their 12 dollar cocktail shouldn’t cost them 150 bucks if they vomit it into someones personal property. I hope to god that leftists never regain this country or we will be a third world country in a decade with the current ignorance being spewed.
So what do you call it when blacks are responsible for over 50% of murders as 13% of the population?
Why do leftists always threaten to move to Canada and not mexico?
Are you stupid or a liar? You must be stupid if you cannot tell that the leftist media has been painting the republicans and especially Trump as an enemy since he won the election.
except it actually happened.
The socialist Nazis used a group very similar to antifa to suppress dissent. The only political party in the US that has a militant activist group is the Democrats.
Fox news on average got to ask a question once every 3 months under Obama. If Acosta doesn’t get a question in 3 days CNN starts running stories about media suppression. Acosta was caught on a hot mic during the NK summit saying “If they aren’t going to let me in the Fing meeting, this is what happens” after he was…
This is why you are a fucking moron.
I guarantee the Vegas shooter was a democrat trying to kill conservatives at a country concert. No wonder they don’t want to release any information regarding the biggest mass shooting in US history.
BLM supporters talk about killing cops and celebrate white people getting killed all the time.
He worked on Bernie Sanders campaign. Some asshole runs someone over in Charllotesville and the media still talks about it. Could you imagine the media reaction if a Trump supporter had tried to kill democratic congressmen?
Democrats would never do something like attempt to kill multi republican congressmen at a baseball field in DC would they? You all are just so morally superior.
Shawna bradley, duke lacrosse. Black women have a long history of high profile false rape claims against white men. Black privilege.
Because she was using Black Privilege to try to incite a national story and get millions of dollars in settlement because she didn’t realize they had cameras. Look how everyone flat out believed her when the story broke. Its open season on white cops.
Unless you are talking about the Muslim religion, then they are to be highly respected and protected by the left. But christianity is fair game to progressives. That is the hypocrisy that got Trump elected.
Maybe it expired in the 45 minute chase where they refused to pull over.
Look at me! I am a hero! I am a hero!