
I for one don't need one but I will probably buy 2 for $300! ANd there are millions of idiots like me out there.

Gizmodo gonna hate

Stop agreeing with me. I am used to arguing with Android fans all day who throw useless tech specs at me all day to prove their phone choice makes them superior to me.

The article is totally stupid, and it was obviously created by Gizmodo to continue with the high traffic they get from Apple bashing. These tweets were posted by non-tech fools so it keeps up the anti apple stance Gizmodo has been running with since the release of the iPhone 5. As most comments show however, the

You make some intelligent points. I think some people use their smartphones more than others. While I rarely make calls, I often use the camera with SMS to quickly send a photo to someone to ask a question. The immediate reply can and does speed up whatever task I am working on, be it shopping for a gift or working on

I am so sick of all the anti-apple Gizmodo articles all the time. Giz obviously are a bunch of fandroids.

It is saturday night and by posting a reply now I just proved I am the bigger loser. :-(

I was using my iPhone for years BEFORE Google decided to break their promise with apple and steal their ideas and build their own phone OS!

Notifications are your claim to fame. Apple dominates by adopting technologies as well as building the best hardware and software in the world. Taking one good thing from Android is in line with Apple's philosophy. But adopting notifications doesn't mean APple desn't build the best tech devices in the world! You keep

The Palm was just a copy of the Newton, the first PDA which was of curse invented by apple. The point is that Apple invented the current phone design and there are no other original phone designs out there currently. Hey, its not just Android phones... All the new Windoze phones look like iPhone slabs too!

Yeah, that's why Apple wins every design award year after year while no android phone ever won a design award yet. Read the Gizmodo review of the sleekness of the iPhone 5. You might learn something.

I will keep going only because at 43 years old I never get to be called kid anymore! Only kids use these cheap Android toys. Grown ups don't have time to mess with inferior buggy apps and crappy plastic products. Anyway its been fun but I want to leave the office early.

Which came first? The iPhone or the Android? Try to not be a revisionist when it comes to recent history. At least wait a couple of years. You probably think Windows came before the Mac OS also!

Ah iEnvy. You just can't perceive why the iPhone 5 is burying every phone release sales numbers n history can you!!! I think you have a huge case of iEnvy. I am probably older than you are as I have kids in school instead of myself. But you should think about making the switch to apple products. Apple users make more

like applesauce. Mmmmm Apple dick. slurp slurp!

So many phones were trying to predict what apple would design. Droid/Android whatever. All copies of the real deal.


Take a look at the first Android phone ever. It was a blackberry clone. Now it looks like a cheap copy of an iPhone. Hence all the billions Samsung has to pay apple. Case closed.

Every phone you just mentioned looks like a crappy plastic copy of an iPhone. The iPhone was the first slab phone to use a virtual keyboard instead of little buttons. Androids used to look like Blackberries. You are using an apple clone. Just accept it.

EVERY Droid looks like a freaking iPhone! Before the iPhone, Google had a phone that had a keyboard and it looked like a blackberry.