
Pork in the USA is often more safe than chicken

Dropped my iPhone 4 twice on sidewalk cement. Small nick in titanium trim and a tiny spec on the front glass. Never used a case as I don't believe in them.

Do you mean the unwatchable 1984 King Kong where he climbs the towers? Because that was 100 times worse than the Jack Black one which at least had some cool dinosaurs.

While I miss the icons of the twin towers, they were widely hated when built as they didn't look like "NYC buildings. I would have preferred 2 towers also but the memorials they built in the foundations of the old towers are absolutely amazing to see in person, and the subway station will be larger than Grand Central

I work in various Mac departments in large ad agencies in NYC. About half have virus software on their macs, because they are ordered to. I always turn it off on my machines because it is annoying. One day there will be viruses on macs, but that day is not here yet. When that day comes then it will be time to install

OK, this guy is really weird. First he has about 20 Harleys all from apparently 2001 when they came in that 2-tome special edition paint. Harley only makes a few models so he has many duplicate models of the same bike. Then in his car collection, he duplicates from 2 to 4 copies of each car. What a waste of space and

Disclosure: I know the photographer. He is a fellow retoucher and a friend. I just want to point out that I think most of the people commenting here are way out of their realm of understanding. I guess smart-phone loving geek kids don't really understand what is going on here. This video shows how a street

yes, some have. Leave it to the pros, and don't tell your 12 year old brother to try this.

You could do exactly that if you wanted to, but it takes years of practice to capture what you perceive as random shots. I was next to Markus at the opening of the Apple Store on 5th ave when he held his camera above his head and got an amazing shot of Steve Jobs walking in. I could never have framed that shot above

It is not an 18k camera. But it is around 7k. But this is his thing. My thing is a $18k motorcycle, but nobody complains that I spent 18 grand on a motorcycle. Also this photographer happens to own various DSLRs. He prefers the Leica for the awesome small lenses and overall weight and size of the camera. It works

I have a kick-ass dual monitor workstation, and a 4s, and a nice laptop too. I didn't think I had a use for an iPad either. Now I never use my laptop. Actually I haven't woken it from sleep in a month or two.

Apple has a fanatical fanbase, as you know, that just doesn't exist at this level of passion for any other computer system. Apple users are also the most harsh critics of Apple. You are confused as to why Apple has this dedicated following that exists nowhere else.

Well, I am poor, kind of. House poor at least. But I have 300 shares of apple so they are giving me the exact amount of the iPad 64GB that I just bought, every quarter!

I have to confess I have never seen an android tablet in real life. Why would anybody buy a copy of the original though? Why not just buy the real thing?

well then you should tell your customers not to buy your $30 HDMI cables and send them to [] where they are $2 instead.

Then you should tell all your customers not to buy your $30 HDMI cables and send them to [] where they are only $2.

and if it was a recap of recent Android tablet reviews, what would you call this blog entry?

Yes. She is hot. Post pics of your GF so we can compare, you who wears funny hats!

I am a photo retoucher and I can make these iPad3 shots here look better than photos you probably take with your $1200 DSLR. But to the untrained eye I am not surprised that many see not difference.

There is no other tablet model that sells more than the iPad. There is no other phone that sells ore than the 4s. Jonny Ive has a point here that seems to be backed up by the preferences of the market.