Bill Sheldon

I’ll say it again, if you’re financing this guy by buying a Tesla, you really need to check yourself. That company doesn’t exist to me until he’s long gone.

The literal one time in history that a Ram driver did anything good for anyone else on the roads.

That’s exactly what the self-appointed ultimate arbiter of “free speech” thinks it means: The freedom to post hate and nonsense as long as none of it is critical of him, the broken toys he sells, or his personal obsessions and grudges in any way.

“Still love the car though!” -Muskian cult members no matter how he scams them

If you’re dumb enough to give Musk your money, I have zero sympathy for you.

“the most significant innovation and technological advancement the world has seen since the introduction of the iPhone.”

Enjoying cars that aren’t some sort of video game on wheels. Obviously.

No offense, but what are you doing on Jalopnik then?

I’ve never owned or driven an EV, but is there not a “maximize battery health” option or whatever, or a battery indicator that says 0 and 100 when in reality the battery only charges from 20-80?

Well, apparently, he is smarter than Boeing as his SpaceX has been sending astronauts and supplies to the International Space Station for about 3 years

What is it like to spend your free time broadcasting your blind fealty to a proven lunatic who you’ll never meet, doesn’t know you, and doesn’t care if your live or die? Simping for Musk is so sad.

Optimus Sub-Prime

You sound like O’Brien in Nineteen Eighty Four, which is eerily poignant when talking about Musk.

If this doesn’t convince people that this robot is a total fraud, nothing will.

The only thing he’s good at is exploiting founders of various ventures, then pretending to be the genius behind the curtain. See PayPal, Tesla, neither of which he founded, and Twitter et al for evidence.

He's smart at grifting. So not zero, but also not many (at least not many good ways)

“Autobots, roll out!”

Although Elon is smart in many ways

Counterpoint: He is smart in exactly zero ways, he is a conman and a snake oil salesman who got rich marketing the ingenuity of others.

It’s not funny to mock the tragic death of Optimus Prime. Put some respect on his name.