Bill Sheldon

Similar to above, i found a $300 1987 Ford Escort L 2-door with 80hp and 80k on the clock, 4 speed manual bargain basement edition. But soon after purchase, clutch went perma-slippy, and i spent the summer swapping in the 1.9 HO (120 HP! 50% increase, ha) engine, its 5 speed transmission and its wiring harness from a

On a greater scale, this fish chariot (pescatariot?) could really chum the waters for investments, provided it doesn’t flounder due to bait and switch tactics purveyed by some cod piece. Imagine if they used speedsters like sailfish or a marlin? WAHOO!

i would love to take a 2000's era (forgot the chassis code) 2 door convertible audi s4 (v8 manual of course), and graft on the roof of the a4. two door v8 manual wagon? vurry cool

Ive done quite a few x-country trips (more than 20, less than 30 maybe), driving anything from sprinters (‘14 long and tall 4cyl turbo) to gmc short buses (‘02 gmc chassis cab thomas body 5-window stripped for haulage duty) to pickups (2020 dodge ram 1500 big horn) and sedans (tesla 3dm), but my best trips were the

Smyth Utes for the win!

1st Gear:  Meme stock! 

Mr. Brownell, I typically love your articles, and have shared them with friends regularly for years! 

Having had my v70's driver side airbag replaced by a volvo dealership (reputable manufacturer), how can i tell if a sub-std airbag has been installed, as per the article? I cannot imagine that the service writer is going to have any clue as to whether or not they installed one of these crap aftermarket units, as they

My worst experience with a dealer stated horribly, ended very well.

and with only 188 horses onboard? lots of gears and torque i guess? If that 65 mph average number is accurate, can you imagine how many minutes it would take to get up that speed?

In Soviet Russia, abandoned aircraft carrier IS the urban explorer

TLDR: This Musk Guy, not as good at the Regular Maths as he says?

This guy sounds like he would do the bear minimum

love my P2 gen v70's for all the reasons. Quiver killer, as the mtn bikers say.

Love this! I’ve seen the benefits of CCC projects first hand and the very long lasting value they gave and still give to this country. If you are unaware, you can research the CCC to learn of its cultural, economical, industrial and recreational significance. Were there problems with the CCC? Sure, but we can learn

Andy, Thank you for writing this!

How can you tell when a Jeep buyer is lost?

Love those wheels, what are they?

Coolcoolcool. Not like i needed another reason not to watch that trash otherwise known as F1

wow. growing up with these cars, hardly any survived past the 90's. Except Volvos. Just about any manual trans Volvo from that time. Good, solid cars that last and last. Plus, not that much slower than anything else on the road at that time