
I’ve got two good rules that have served me well of late:

If they aren’t evil, they’re certainly acting like it when they don’t have room to be. They haven’t released a good game since skyrim.

You sure about that? 

Bethesda may be incompetent but they aren’t evil.

This game (and its support) is so fucked up that at this point I would expect the replacement bags to be shipped filled with asbestos and broken glass.

Pokémon is definitely not a concept that benefits from thinking too hard about it. It’s basically capturing animals and forcing them to beat the shit out of each other.

slight improvement, yes.

All the random abandoned buildings in the game make it fun to explore the countryside. You got the Civil War vets who have gone bonkers, cabins full of bodies, a cheater, his wife, and the mistress in a full murder suicide, and more. The story is fine and all, but these extra things make the game so much more

Or he could have had a blast working on a Pokemon movie. Working on a collaboration with a team of talented artists from all over the world... or No he was the person who made artwork that landed on your video gaming news site and he should have made the movie all by himself.

I swear you people are so quick to hate on

Except that the movie designs are realistic but cute and still recognizable as pokemon whereas his earlier designs are pure nightmare fuel.

Is it just the fact that he’s a hamster? Because there has been a talking ape-scientist in the game since release.

Hammond killed it for me.

First of all... YIKES these comments y’all. There are bad takes and then there are people who apparently thought Symmetra was black or who think all Egyptians are black and just... y’all, do better than this.

Please stop being disingenuous. The move was done at the height of the LGBTQ civil rights controversy. It was (and still is) risky to upset the Gamer applecart by even appearing to be the least bit “SJW” because the angry white dudes who think that gaming is a hobby that belongs to them turn out in force to shout down

I think it’s a little ridiculous to knock Overwatch’s diversity. They have really gone out of their way to include a broad spectrum of cultures, and they continue to produce heroes that were obviously designed with inclusivity in mind. They even made the game’s mascot (Tracer) a lesbian, backing up the statement that

Indian =/= Blacks, also =/= Native American, of which Pharah is half one. :P

That’s an Indian woman. 

...WTF? No, of course they don’t count? They’re not even black, they’re Egyptian, that’s like saying you don’t need to add a character from Isreal because you already have characters from Asia?

“so do our sensibilities and our awareness of the ways in which injustice operates systematically.”