
Exactly— we’re still in early days— this is the brand-building phase. It’s how politics work. First you put your face and voice out there and let people take your measure. Zooming in on the issues & policy will come later. I’m utterly unfussed by the depth & variation of the list of prospects so far, because they’ll

Like, yeah, the dude should start talking concrete policy soon—if not a little while ago—but this is pretty harmless. It’s not like he’s Paul Ryan talking Rage Against the Machine, or whatever. More people learned about Mayor Pete from that one anecdote about him learning Norwegian to read a book than from his

Does it really chap your hide that he hypes his punk rock roots?  He’s not my first choice, but it’s something that every kid has dreamed about.  Definitely makes him more human than Grifter Trump Inc.

Can Splinter cut it out with the lame hit pieces please?

Instead of disqualifying every. single. candidate. that. is. thinking. of. running.

Lol @ Aunt Splintypat huffing your smelling-salts over here. “Would you mind turning off your fundamental personality for the duration of this campaign, Mr. O’Rourke? We just don’t find it appropriate.”

There is no way you can model a presidential campaign off of DIY.

Burger King is the lowest depth of misery.

Literally just status. It’s sad.

The really dumb question: Why does she even need a degree? What could it possibly do for her? Why would her parents pay 500k to get her into a good school when they could put that same money toward ... idk, launching a clothing line or acting classes or some other kind of self promotion more in line with this woman’s

*fresh faced with a pound of foundation, my bad.

Last time I was there was for a beer fest tho. It was in the ballroom thing all the way at the end. Good times

Navy Pier in Chicago is not worth your time. The Ferris wheel is cool, but it’s full of tourist trap restaurants (i.e. Jimmy Buffett’s Margaritaville), and souveneirs are grossly overpriced. There’s so much to explore in Chicago, so please don’t waste your time going here.

The Mall of America is... a mall. Yes, it’s a big mall, but it. is. a. mall. Do you enjoy going to the mall where you live? If not, you won’t enjoy going to the mall-ier mall we have here.

I was all ready to say something snarky in the comments until I saw that the dude is a Vietnam vet and the restaurant is his comfort and now I’m like “man, whatever gets you through.”

the students refused the school’s resource officer’s demand for them to leave campus.

Yvan eht nioj! 

+1 bamboozle

Here’s what it really says: