Counterpoint: No.
Counterpoint: No.
Articles like this either are racist, or a reason why people become racist.
Can someone please provide a list of the progressivist-approved pop stars? It’s hard to keep up on who I should hate.
This is what you get when people stop asking “Do you know how to use critical thinking skills?” and go with “Do you know how to inject race into every dumb blurb you get and can you spend more time on the headline than the story?”
There is a music venue I go to all the time, across the street from a Popeyes. And I find myself checking my watch constantly and looking at google maps to see what time Popeyes closes and wondering how much I’m enjoying the band playing and if i can get to Popeyes before it closes. A constant struggle.
Popeye’s is probably one of the few fast foods I will honestly say is good. Even my foodie brother tries to make his red beans and rice like theirs.
Best thing ever from popeyes? I say this unironically: that is a pretty goddam high bar to clear.
“I’m not saying that everyone who watches Fox News is a racist. I’m just saying that all racists watch Fox News.”
No he doesn’t, but if he isn’t honestly, what’s the alternative?
Think about the implication if she actually is a Skywalker or a Solo; so Han, Leia, Luke or any combination of those three just abandoned her on a backwater, and left her for dead and then ALL pretended like they had no idea who the fuck she was? That…
I think Americans should really stop to dictate how other countries should react to things. The joke was only about the fact that the truffle is italian, and is well groomed, it did not imply in any way that other italians smell in any way...What I find really offensive in this article is the use “ethnic group”…
In other words “ffaaaggeeeehhhdddaaaabbbooouutttiiiiihhhhttt”
As a New Yorker who’s 100% Italian and has been the subject of racial/cultural stereotyping my whole life (are you sure you’re not in the mafia? wow look at all the hair on your chest! wait say ‘gabagool’ again!) let me be the first to say who gives a fuck.
Those were all Gungans and in the extended Blue Ray version they’re all gonna have voices and throughout the whole fight they’re gonna be saying shit like “Oopsie me have a stabby” really loudly
you know what, people need to quit with this shit. There are plenty of people who look all nice and dapper doing some heinous shit to women... and there are plenty of people who look like a complete mess who are just really good people. But hey, maybe you can post your picture up so we can tell you what you look like…
It’s ok to punch Fascists.
He should also be allowed Porgs. And a shirtless Kylo Ren with a comically oversized chest. And a cackling puppet Yoda setting Jedi relics on fire with a lightning bolt. He should be allowed all those things and more. Fuck it.
That silent anime-like scene of the rebel flagship hyperdrive destroying Snoke’s ship was the best scene.
I also loved the intense look he gave Rey as he chugged down the milk, as if to say, “You wanna be a Jedi now! This is what it takes. I have an alien adn I have a bottle. I DRINK YOUR GREEN MILK!”
People keep bringing up this is a movie about failure to somehow shield it from criticism because it somehow is breaking new ground... but Empire was about failure. In fact I’d say Empire is even more about failure because they actually failed. Han captured, Luke defeated.. you know failure. People died in Last Jedi…
The New Hope milk was pasteurized. It changes color a bit during the process.