
Pretty frickin hard, actually.

It takes you all the way, if you know what I mean.

I guess Red Ball is going to have to come up with another strategy.

“She couldn’t use the Rush van. It’s too iconic.” - Krieger

How did you get to be such a good jazz singer?

“You’ll hear that the defendant said, ‘That is not a problem,’ “ the prosecutor said. “… If he had stayed true to his word, we wouldn’t be here today.”

Newly expanded seating area.

Amy Adams is in talks to play Margret.

Turns out the man had never seen marbled rye before. He was taking one look at his sandwich and calling it burnt because the bread was dark.

Where's the naked, passed out picture of his Thesaurus? I'm sure it did not consent to be used this way. Sheesh.

"Rub some dirt on it!" - Peyton Manning

There's also a ballsack ring by family jewelry designer Penolocojones.

Even Lesser Known Cat Wines:

That weasel is versatile!

On the other hand, if I need a mental break for, say, 30 minutes, all I need to do is ask my kids about Minecraft. Then I just nod my head and say mmm-hmm every 2 minutes.

Now playing

The not allergic to gluten one reminds me of this:

All I see is a person in a white and gold dress holding a miniature couch with a tiny dog lounging on it.

Last summer, a gaggle of Buffalo Bills fans led by a truck driver named Charles Pellien, who happened to be missing one arm and one leg...

Wide Receivers Take Shit.
