
I mean, they’re just two states in the country of Scandinavia. I don’t understand why they’re so upset.

I need to go grocery shopping for the week this afternoon and drop off this package at the post office. Motorcycles are great second recreation focused vehicles.

Replace soccer with cycling and delete the bi experience and that’s me. Dammit.

People contributing their opinions and knowledge in the comments is the absolute worst. I personally come here for the silence.

Because by most accounts SpaceX is mainly run by Gwynn Shotwell and not Musk. It’s been said they’ve worked hard to sequester him from the daily going ons there as a way to be successful.

I’m not sure how to do the correct math but if the odds of ANYONE on earth being hit are 1 in 2,467 that does not mean that MY chances are 1 in 2,467 as I’m one of 8 billion people.

Blaming the government for research done by independent nonprofits is the new cool.

I know the looks on this car are divisive but looooordy does it look muscular in all the right ways! Really think this car will age well even if it’s in a BMW “clownshoe” kinda way.

According to Google it’s Louis 5,010

So driving with one hand while the phone is at your ear is legal?? Wtf?

BuT oPeN sOuRcE!!!

The perception of “yeah but I’ll get there measurably faster” is so hard to fight. I always love when I’m driving slower than people and end up at every stoplight with them lol. Or on the highway they pass me multiple times going 10 mph faster than me but 45 minutes later we’re still together.

Lake Oroville is the largest reservoir in California and also a reservoir that is drought sensitive. Emphasizing the drastic change is relevant.

100% agree. I also have a theory that drivers see motorcyclists as other cars, and possibly as protected as a car, and treat them as such whereas us cyclists just get seen as vulnerable humans but annoying and deserving of whatever happens to us.

Think of it as an all star team playing a regular team. Theoretically the all star team shouldn’t be playing in a championship so no clue why they were but you wouldn’t award them a trophy for beating a regular team.

I’m looking specifically at the southern California locations. Now that the full story is coming out via other sources it’s clear the situation is critical for a lot of those locations as well as coastal northern California (the lost coast for example). Yosemite will be fine.

As a Google employee...sonuvabitch. As a consumer and citizen...hells yes.

Though these images are pretty they don’t capture the severity of what’s going on.

Most of these locations in the photos rarely if ever receive snow. On top of that the locations that do have literally hundreds of inches of snow right now

Wouldn’t pure white just be chrome?? I’ve always wondered this.

Welcome to Herb Spanfeller land.