
As a massive Star Wars fan I can say that movie is FAR from perfect. Hell just the script and delivery are cringe worthy if you can find a way to watch it without all the sentimentality us fans have built up around it.

A white guy inspiring Chuck Berry to write the music that inspired HIM in the future. Not sure you can label an endless loop racist.

But drafting.

Am I alone in feeling like dirt in fact does NOT stand out on light colored cars? Had a white Tacoma and that thing stayed clean looking way longer than the dark cars I’ve owned.

Aaron Rodgers in a santa suit having a smoke and drinking a coffee??

Can verify carbon bike frames are repairable. Have had it done and it works well! That being said those cracks are on mainly round tubes and you’re just adding a sleeve that extends beyond the crack/break on both sides. The stresses on a carbon fiber tub are MUCH more complex and the structure isn’t a simple tube so

A legit explanation!! Thank you! And I just read they think the volcano was triggered by heavy rains so yeah, checks out.

And yet, the ash below the eaves is just as much as in the areas not under them. If feet of ash slid off those roofs there would be piles under the eaves, just like with snow.

Why is there ash on the streets and not on the houses?? Seems like there would be huge piles of it on the houses or below the eaves if it slid off the roofs. Not trying to start a conspiracy here, just curious if anyone knows.

That’s what Deadspin is. I’m assuming Deadspin traffic numbers are still impressive even without the original staff and commenting abilities so they’re seeing what they can get away with elsewhere.

I’m assuming the owners are testing how much traffic they get if they soft disable comments in hopes they can eliminate them altogether here soon.

He’s worth $300 billion. He does not have $300 billion in cash.

This 100%. Movies that try to be everything to everyone always flop.

Kinja question: I’m no longer seeing comments that have been left, just the “start the conversation” button. Once I press the button the previous comments are shown. Please tell me this is just some weird quirk on my end and not the owners testing whether they can nuke comments altogether??

Thought: None of these cars are “self driving” but maybe the definition of the phrase is changing before our eyes. English is a malleable language.

“It’s exciting to hear that bees make the same noise of utter fear and terror made by other animals when faced with a giant predator hell bent on tearing them limb from limb and kidnapping their offspring to use as food!”

Silly is a pretty broad descriptor; what in particular about this is ‘silly’?

This is so damn true. Had a friend who moved to Portland and wasn’t used to driving in winter conditions. They purchased a Subaru and ended up spinning out and totaling it. They subsequently posted to social media irate that her car had spun out as people had told her a Subaru with AWD would be great for driving in

My wife was stuck in LA on Saturday because her Southwest flight was canceled and the Southwest staff literally said, “we have pilots protesting the vaccine mandate, everything is a mess right now.”

Headline almost makes it sound as though you’re trying to shame him even though he’s made efforts to make his vehicle more climate friendly??