
If only Seattle had started Rex Grossman at quarterback. Peyton might have had a shot then.

If they are already at your house, then this is no longer a problem.

A Cautionary Tale

The best part is that there is a group called the Bear League that will come to your house and make sure that the bear sleeping underneath it is well-situated and safe.

Yeah, a really nice part of New Jersey that's warm this time of year.

Or you could simply turn on the "public transit" layer in Google Maps.

Up north they get 2 feet of snow, sure. And you drive on snow, and that's that. In the South, it's 65 degrees at noon and raining, at 6pm it drops to 25 and you get freezing rain that turns to snow at midnight, then turns to sleet at 6am, which turns to snow at 11, then stops then it all freezes into a crusty ice

I'd agree with you, but Ice is Ice, and that kind of ice is very very tricky to drive on. Anyone here in the Midwest or northeast would have a very difficult time driving on a solid sheet of ice.

That's part of it, but some roads do become literally impassable. For anyone who doesn't live around here, it's difficult to explain the road situation. Every road has grades and hills, even the highways. Once you leave the highways, the roads add curves to go with those hills, as well as shade over the road.

Having the video autoplay is a dick move.


Here's a similar month-by-month chart featuring depression levels of Houston Texans fans.

Kaepernick then promptly picked up a pay phone and exited the Matrix.

I got totally lost after "fingerless gloves"

You clearly missed the point. Lack of preparation is NOT exclusive to the south. Many a northern town are ill-prepared for snow, for whatever reason. They do not send plows to salt. They have nothing to clear the main roads. The roads are as big of a mess as these are. Society as we know it STILL doesn't break down.

In fact, in the early days of the sport among the upper echelons of British society, the proper term for the sport was “Soccer”. Not only that, but the sport being referred to as “Soccer” preceded the first recorded instance of it being called by the singular word “Football” by about 18 years.

I guess the better question is why would anyone not like beer and cheerleaders? I mean, sure, you could say gay men don't like cheerleaders, but traditionally they love the fuck out of musicals and cabaret, don't they? Not a whole lot of difference there...

Uh.....who doesn't like beer and cheerleaders?

"And, like, why are the fields always green? Green is gross. Most fields aren't even grass anymore. They need to innovate. Let's see a lavender field, guys."