
That also wasn't a bad snow storm because the temps were high enough to melt the snow the next day.

That also wasn't a bad snow storm because the temps were high enough to melt the snow the next day.

Thanks for checking!

I was just researching this recently! Found a few photos of snow around LA but nothing like this collection.

How could someone even make a car that would be desirable enough for someone to pay $72 million? Other than the status symbol it would become.


Pretty sure the time he was under water was edited out.

I was cycling in the hills near the coast one day and one of these passed me going uphill. Almost fell off my bike it sounded so amazing.

Buy a VR6 and run it in your garage when you miss the sound. Problem solved.

Please don't be a touchscreen.

Must woke up to my apartment smelling like a campfire. Silly California, this isn't fire season!


You've gifted me a new obsession.

What's written below the graph doesn't designate what the two axis represent. Could you add that cause I'm still wondering...

Great points.

Good insight. It makes me wonder if this is the system that will eventually overtake ours; authoritarian capitalism or some derivative/version of it.

A country willing to pivot at moment's notice? We're fucked.

One Direction needs to take a stab at it...

That actually sounds awesome! Seems more on par with our pledge of allegiance in that instead of a performance by one, it's an act of inclusion and ownership by the whole.

Thanks to everyone reminding me of how national anthems are played at the olympics and other sporting events. My wonderment on things is satisfied.