
Counterpoint: when accidents are litigated to determine damages, the courts usually assign blame by percentage. This is called either ‘contributory negligence’ or ‘comparative negligence’ depending on when you live. This standard exists because in the real world there’s no such thing as an ‘accident.’ The

On the plus side: If cash for clunkers did retire 700k rolling wrecks then undoubtedly lives were saved. Low income people die in car crashes at higher rates than other demographics. Some of that is caused by high risk behaviors; some of that is the result of low income people driving the shittiest cars on the road.

On the plus side: the Aussies seem to have a much lower level of road rage. I was waiting for fisticuffs that never happened.

There’s nothing sadder than seeing one of these things in the wild. True story: saw a guy filling up one in a 4th ring suburb outside Washington DC. It looked awful — sagging butt and bald tires — and sounded worse — which may or may not have something to do with the 87 octane he was pumping. Made me sad. Got back

Dear Shithead:

It is true that bad design encourages bad behavior, but the design of this intersection isn’t particularly bad. I’ve seen far wider suburban streets and worse marked intersections. So that leaves the only other explanation: Ohio is the Florida of the north, which is to say, this is 100 percent driver stupidity.

Let’s not overlook SLBMs. A first strike might take out land based missiles but not the subs. The potential for a retaliatory strike by SLBMs is enough to make any country think twice about a first strike.

Stay away. I developed an emotional attachment to an ‘86 Audi 4000 cs Quattro. I drove it from ‘96 to ‘02. I put 30k on it or, more accurately, on it I put: 4 door handles (worst design ever); 2 oxygen sensors; 1 ECU; 2 fan relays; and exhaust manifold; and all the other routine maintenance items you’d expect for a

Technically the feds tell the state DOTs how they should spend the money, but the state DOTs usually flex those maintenance funds into capacity projects. Maintenance isn’t sexy; new bypasses are.

We’re projected to be north of 40k deaths for 2016. And the fatality rate per million miles travelled has gone up too. This is worrying because our vehicle fleet gets safer each year as older vehicles are retired. Something bad is happening.

This response is more boring than a prius or i3 suggestion but... move closer to work, get a different job, park and ride, telecommute, etc? All that time spent in the drivers seat has negative consequences for health (stress, physical inactivity, breathing in particulate matter), social/family life, and your vehicle.

It is an intersection of two one way streets, so it requires only half number of signals. The developer might also be paying an impact fee.

Also this: vehicle miles traveled (VMT) began to drop in the latter ‘00s due to rising fuel prices and the economic downturn. VMT has started picking up again and 2015 was a record year for driving. Unfortunately road deaths also increased...