
No, actually it’s the opposite: it senses when you’re really engaged in the act of driving (by measuring what, i don’t know - grin width? palm sweat? butthole pucker?), and then by recording the location of the road, the nav system will route you that way more regularly to make sure you’re on a road you enjoy, so less

Again, proving the jalopnik staff have much better taste than the readership.

Lots of errors and misleading statements in this article. I feel like I should do a reddit AMA to clarify.

Prior to this week, a 10-mile stretch of I-66 between the Capital Beltway and Washington DC was exclusively HOV-2 during “rush hour periods” which were 2.5hours in the morning (Eastbound toward DC) and in the

Body cam “policies”. That word is doing a lot of work here. They aren’t saying that body cams themselves or the availability of body cam footage is necessarily failing at anything (to be clear, they aren’t saying cams are are succeeding at anything either - that doesn’t appear to be the scope of the study).

You deserve a free device if that manufacturer breaks your old device on purpose.

I don’t believe anyone here is saying those involved in the lifestyle are healthier or morally superior to those who do not. We simply question the unsupported notion that those of us involved in consensual kinky sex are mentally ill.

Which is why the community in many areas, both in meet-space and online, is ramping up its educational outreach.

Why is this a thing? Trying to find blame on the person did nothing wrong.

Hot take: Nobody lost or won anything. It was a barely disguised excuse for them to get together and do burnouts and shit in a parking lot, and they say as much on one of the Extra videos they put up on MToD.

At the least; does she understand the gravity of my reaction of utter horror, screaming “BABY! I’M SO SORRY I DIDN’T MEET TO KICK YOU IT’S DARK AND YOU’RE A BLACK DOG AND I CAN’T SEE YOU ASLEEP ON THE FLOOR!” followed by ear scratches and bellyrubs?

While I’m sure my dogs remember every shitty thing I’ve done to them, I’m happy to report they are better at forgiving than I will ever be.

don’t buy those shit wiper blades. they perform like dick when you’re on the highway doing anything over 60-65 MPH, you know, when you really need those fucking things to work pro.

don’t buy those shit wiper blades. they perform like dick when you’re on the highway doing anything over 60-65 MPH,

If you use the wrong finger 3 times, the iPhone will require you to enter the passcode. This may be your only defense.

Just because you disagree with Clinton’s positions and policies that does not mitigate Trump’s absolute inappropriateness for public office.

This is supposed to be a better, no, perfect bag for photography, but I’m supposed to spend $130 extra on it because the Lowepro (a brand I’ve used and trust) is dorkier?

Sept: Nothing. Oct: Nothing. Nov: DISHONORED 2!!!!! Dec: Nothing.

I’m interested in Titanfall, Watch Dogs, Gravity Rush, and Mafia....but they will all take a backseat to Dishonored.

So you determine what is car culture and what isn't? I'm not saying I'm with the stance crowd, but it's HIS car and HIS money. Who cares what he does with it?

This issue is more with makerbot and their product rather than 3d printing in general. There are other 3d printers out there that have outstanding performance. Check out Ultimaker or if you are interested in a cheaper printer Printrbot. Makerbot did this to themselves with the smart extruder and the idea that your

I do think owning a 3D printer is a niche market(I have built a few and still enjoy every second of it), but part of the problem with MakerBot is that they are $1000+ for a sub par product, closed source software and hard to upgrade hardware.