
Agree, I thought Westworld was well-done, visually beautiful, but really made no goddamn sense when you think about it. The point of the show, was JUST to get us to tune in next week and see what happens. Same with the finale. Season 2 more of the same crap, we are Pavlov’s dogs trained to tune in again when the

Didn’t know Senator Jeff Flake was a trucker.

Why doesn’t EVERYONE become a member of the NRA and seize control of the organization? Or do the gun manufacturer’s appoint that schmuck?

Comment of the month, and not in a snarky way. Well said.

Miami Florida. Worst. And most surveys agree. DONE

Comment of the Day!

Thanks for this. Nice to have a positive story to start the day.


Thank you for cutting through the crap.

The biker was wrong - clearly. But a kick on the door does not deserve an act that would likely send the guy to the hospital for weeks. I don’t know how the cyclist didn’t crash. Both parties wrong, but one was WAAAAAAY wrong. The car hitting the biker could easily be construed as assault w a deadly weapon. The biker

well said. A motorcycle accident at highway speed is serious injury at least for the biker. For the car, the boot kick, it sucks, cyclist was wrong, but attempted murder for a boot print? Ticket for the cyclist, jail for the driver

I was riding my motorcycle into NYC from Hoboken NJ and at the Hoboken entrance ran through a mofo of a pothole. The resulting jolt shorted something out and as I entered the tunnel into NYC the Cycle’s electrical system started shorting out. The lights dimmed, and top speed became about 5 mph, as the bike seemed

And then we got stuck with Scott Pruitt as head of the EPA. I wish he could look her in the face and discuss the job-destroying EPA with a straight face.

Not based on - it was a full-on Toyota Matrix with a different badge. The Pontiac name was worth a $2,000 discount.