Gnome Shylock

I know you didn’t ask me, but please check out Diane Ackerman.

“...and as soon as I am ready to retire, I’m going full Marlon Brando.”

Not if she wears boy drag.

This is exactly how the world should work. Something must be horribly wrong.

Roy Batty is spinning in his grave.

No. If we can’t see anything, we look harder.

Something wonderful.

KF2 is still technically early access, thus it hasn’t actually launched yet, and that’s a whole ’nother post right there.

Microsoft: Over-promising and under-delivering since 1975.

Sadly, Moore’s Law is getting old in the tooth.

No bottle of wine in my household would last long enough to go “off”.

I can wake up every morning knowing in my heart that no matter what terrible thing happens today, at least I’m not that guy. Most days that’s enough, enough to make it all worthwhile.

Was excited to read this and jokingly said out loud, “there had better be video,” not actually expecting video due to stupid NDA issues or some such, then scrolled down and there was gorgeous, physics-destroying video.

Just like real cleavage!

Disappearing there, reappearing here.

I’ll just be confiscating this photo and using it to inspire myself and my companions. Thankyouverymuch.

My mother? Let me tell you about my mother....