
Man, Giz really doesn't want us to see comments anymore. At first this article shows 2 comments. Then you have to click "All". THEN, you have to scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Show all discussions". Redundant and annoying.

Here's a tip: Headlines usually include one or more verbs.

@Zendax: It RAISES the question, it does not beg the question. Sorry, but I've been seeing too many people misuse this phrase.

@Bluecold: Degauss! For the love of God, DEGAUSS!

@FriarNurgle: Good movie. If you see Requiem For A Dream, you should check out this one afterward. You see the progression of some of Arnofsky's interesting cinematic elements.

Wyngz. I'll have to remember that one for the next scrabble game.

@Hami83: "Wow, it looks like it's coming right out of the screen!"

Now playing

@Touchstone: Well, maybe soon we'll be able to work holograms into a device a bit smaller than R2D2...

@Shiverr!: Valid point. Not necessarily dubbing then, but at least a good quality capture with a boom or lavs. Just don't get the boom in the shot!

Audio, people. You've got to dub over your dialogue, otherwise it undermines the quality of the whole thing and seems really cheesy.

Really? 2 dimensions aren't distracting enough?

@mrphoneface: It's not amazing, but their chalet sauce is like crack for me. Plus you can get all that goodness pictured above from a drive-thru!

Hmm, while the article image has the second checkbox about "terminating your mobile phone service plan", running my number through I see only the first one ($20 fee).

@Purdueable: I thought of this too, but I decided to go for the more obscure chicken reference. I was sure that someone would take the initiative though, so thank you.

I read that as "Swiss Chalet"... Now I'm hungry. Canadians, you know what I'm talkin' about.

I grew up near Toronto, where some mornings the temperature dipped down to -40 (with the windchill). I am very disappointed that I never tried this as a kid.

@VYCanisMajoris: Head-on pictures of his face just do NOT work for him. I think part of it is the angle of his nose, makes it difficult to perceive any depth.

Haven't seen the Angry birds article before, pretty funny.

Those circles - especially the one with "50" in the middle - look a lot like bottle caps. Any electrical engineers or Japanese city planners know what purpose they serve?