Biji M.

excuse me, but what exactly do you mean in saying that African Americans are a "seriously" undeserved part of the evangelical audience? I mean… that's a fairly hard-edged statement. Do you care to elaborate on it?? I see this current fad of "faith-based" films as a blatant commercialization of christian ideals and

…was that a review? no, probably not - so what the hell WAS it? just a forum to rip on Kirk Cameron?? i mean, not that the windbag doesn't deserve it… i just, i don't know, have never have seen it done like that before. an entire article written i GUESS by someone who's actually seen this film (oh, so YOU'RE the one),

"Cameron continues of these roving bands of Christmas naysayers, wielding their hammers and facts" with that odd "of" making this sentence hardly conducive to being easily read or understood, i've got to say: what do "hammers and [especially] facts" have to do with anything? Are you saying that one's wish to see a

nah, I dunno, this scene is just way too much. It's "bravura" surrealistic gobbledy-gook just isn't for me. The blood, especially - "as if from a fire hose" - a straight gush of it directly into the shooter's face and NOWHERE else…UH uh. no thanks. Next!