Biji Rayy Cyrus

I hate you. Take your star.

A great deal of this is weaponized alt-right astro turfing trolls. Keep your eye on the goal, people. Don’t fall for this shit again.

Thank god you have your priorities down. Not the abhorrent racism and abuse. But that they didn’t endorse Sanders!  The nerve!  What names shall we call them?

The response from WFP is basically, “How dare you question how this all went down when our leadership is [insert identity groups here]? Oh, and by the way, internet randos are getting all up in our mentions, so it looks like this answers any and all questions about the vote tallies!”

From what I was aware of there is a lot of impersonation. People do not normally say “Hi Im a Sanders supporter. Fuck you cunt”

I read how they process their votes, “In the WFP’s ranked-choice voting system, the party’s national committee, which consists of 56 people, has equal weight with the party’s members and grassroots supporters, who number in the thousands.” (from the Salon article). 56 people =1000's in this voting system. Doesn’t seem

People forget the WFP tried to start a Draft Warren movement before they ultimately endorsed Sanders in 2016. So this really isn’t a shocker.

I’ve seen a lot of this on social media lately, attacking people who mostly like Sanders and think he’s an important policy voice. There’s a lot of conspiratorial thinking, a lot of bad-faith attacks on Warren (quite a few of which have been deeply sexist), and extreme vitriol from people who clearly have nothing to

Just so happens to be the same bunch of people who had compelling evidence against Iraq. There is this phrase: fool me once...

Actually, the paper was retracted by the journal for being dishonest pseudoscience that led to children dying. Andrew Wakefield, the author, had is medical license revoked for the ethical violations related to the study, but he is still a true believer and a celebrity in anti-vax circles.

We are so far beyond ‘privileged’ that there’s gotta be a new term for it.

Fear NOT, ye peoples afraid of vaccines! I HAVE THE ANSWER!

Are you a big fan of memoji?  I apologize if I have “triggered” you.


What’s especially frustrating is even the guy who made the initial “vaccines cause autism” study has retracted it. There’s literally zero scientific evidence that vaccines have anything to do with autism, and it was studied very thoroughly after the initial study came out. We now have thousands of studies that show

Let me see if I have this straight.

What this is really about is white women wanting to retain the “right” to harm their children and the children of their others. It’s not borderline racist to co-opt the language of the civil rights movement to try and keep the privilege of exposing their children to diseases that have long since been cured and nearly

Because I can already see the “why focus on the protesters being mostly white” commentary coming:

Steve Jobs would surely be proud that his company continues to be game-changers long after his departure.