Oh absolutely. He was never right, ever, because the act was always smarter than he was.
We can do both?
I’m not fake mad about this, I’m real disappointed. The problem is Omar, and you, are both right and wrong at the same time here. She should have voted. And keep calling out everything else too.
No, that’s the one. Americans are usually fools in their dealings with the rest of the Earth anyway, so here we are, but with this man as President, it’s not exactly going to get any better.
The same place as the proof, presumably.
Not at all. It’s just the simple observation of the non-simple minded that America has never entered a war for any reason other than its own self interest. If you want to disagree, well; I never stopped you being wrong before, why start now?
Our presence very often requested in places we don’t want to be.
Name three.
Name three.