Biji Rayy Cyrus

treats LGBTQ like subhumans and does charming things like throw them off the roofs of the few tall buildings their primitive culture have been able to achieve?

Can’t dismiss me just because you’re wrong, man. Welcome to reality.

Can’t dismiss me just because you’re wrong, man. Welcome to reality.

Can’t dismiss me just because you’re wrong, man. Welcome to reality.

Can’t dismiss me just because you’re wrong, man. Welcome to reality.

Nice use of blackvoice White man. 


Answer both parts of the question. They are connected. 

Who proposed the $15 billion figure? 

July 1, 2019.

The traces of uranium found at the ‘warehouse’ were -

What was most likely responsible for the uranium traces found at the warehouse, and how indicative were they of new work on weapon development?


The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.”

You got my reading material yet then? Or do I have to keep asking? 

Quiet now boy, or cepalg’ll sic me on you again.

See now, all you’ve done is just made it obvious that you’re either being disingenuous in one of two ways, or assuming otherwise; that you’re basically just ignorant about the realities of the JCPOA.