Come on now Haruhi son, read what the man said.
He isn’t.
Ha! Nah.
Oh, any minute now, Bari Weiss will come running.
These guys too:
It would very likely have more chance of doing so coming from the “dissident” (snort) right, which is basically indistinguishable from ethnofascism. Kevin MacDonald or Greg Johnson would likely win more votes ‘delineating’ anti-Jewish conspiracy than someone like Walsh will appealing to civility.
Depends on whether you want to see them again.
Multiple times vs 1 time, so it begins to look deliberate.
He stars one troll, what do I care. It happens. Nothing to do with me. Leave the man be.
You want a counterargument to a comment that begins like this? Maybe it might be time to move past that kind of kotakuinaction style of discourse. All it serves to do is make the posting of the video seem apt.
I don’t think so, no. It didn’t seem automated, I mean, it took breaks over the hours the whole process took. It seems some mad troll connected to somebody following me is going nuts directing some very unpleasant “kill yourself lol” shit at the clashtalk refugees, and they think I’m the one doing it, hence, 2,503.
That’s the good stuff too, but only in Winter.
“We don’t need any more brown faces that don’t want to be a brown voice.”