
The Caps: astonishing in defeat, as always

That’s like saying today’s rain made the ocean more wet, though. Kids today had no chance whether this guy makes videos or not

How can that man possibly criticize other Youtubers for being annoying? His nonsense content has near-singlehandedly make an entire generation of kids even more retarded than they already would have been.

I live in PA and sadly, I have to agree.

That and her lovely German accent, sense of humor and mannerisms make me melt with joy.

I’m ashamed to agree. It’s just one confederate flag away from Alabama.

This is the most Ohio thing I’ve seen in a long time.

More Sabine, more Chris Harris

Just more Sabine. In everything.

More Sabine, less Chris.

Despite the $16,000 price difference

What could have caused the worldwide depressurization?

The Neutrinos became unpalatable!

Literally nothing could have made that a plausible movie.

So, the scientists are right about this particular theory, but not that other thing which you happen to disagree with?

It’s almost as mind-boggling as not controlling those things we can in order to prevent things from getting worse.

Counterpoint: Event Horizon is one of the best horror movies of the past 20ish years:)

I feel so bad for this guy but I can't stop laughing.