
My favorite thing to do since Halo 2 is to give the marines the biggest, baddest weapons available since they have infinite ammo. Halo Infinite makes this especially easy.  If I set up at a FOB before heading out in a Razorback with 5 marines all rocking seeking rocket launchers, they are fucking death incarnate. 

Gotta say, that after Elden Ring, have been going back and getting deeper into Dark Souls (on 360) and Demon Souls (on PS3) and just loving all of it.  So much to do, and find.  I have a lifetime of games that they’ve already released to play and beat.  Each version, DS, DS Prepare to Die, DS Remastered, etc.  Each

That’s a weird take. I’m surprised you think your average CoD buyer is even thinking about it like that. I’m pretty sure it’s not that serious for most the their audience.

My only awareness of this franchise anymore is through business articles like this one.  

Brother I think you’re just tired of Call of Duty, not their settings. 

Tony Stark dies at the end of Endgame.

I’m a finger person myself.

“Why are people not completing these NPC quest lines?”, publishers fret as NPCs teleport to random, obscure spots on the map dependent on unexplained world state changes or dialogue remaining.

“Tokens are now practically worthless”

Cue the dumbass cryptbros: yOu JuSt DoN’t UnDeRsTaNd CrYpTo BrO tRuSt Me It’S bEtTeR tHaN rEaL mOnEy!!!! now give me some real money for my fake money!

That’s some stream of consciousness stuff right there.

Death and failure is something this game (and these types of games) teach you to accept very early on. These are the only games that make it OK to die and fail. I know that with enough time, I will indeed “git gud”. The beginning section and hours in this game are a little frustrating and the vagueness can make it

So I’ll admit, pre-release I was skeptical about whether Elden Ring would work because in my experience just because it’s open world doesn’t mean it’s better.

And I bounced off of Sekiero rather hard after adoring Bloodborne, and seeing what crazy graphical fidelity can do via a 3rd studio with Demon Souls Remake by

Definitely read the item descriptions of pretty much everything you find and talk to people until they start repeating themselves. Also if you’re still in the early part of the game head south, there’s a whole lot down there that’s about at your level. 

So after a month of giving this game shit, I fucking caved and bought it and god damn. Its fun

In my opinion, this is the best RPG I’ve played, maybe since Morrowind? It’s one of the most “complete” games to come out in a very very long time. Just the sheer scale of everything and how exploring is a reward within itself brings back morrowind vibes. I have a Mage character and a Assassin type character, and both

The game design itself also nudges you towards doing or using certain things. Tree Sentinel is there to show you that maybe not every fight is one you need to get into right away. Margit to teach you that delays will fuck up your life if you spam roll. That initial section going into Stormveil with the giant to learn

It also stops enemies from despawning when repeatedly killed, which is handy for farming drops.

One thing that I appreciated about DS2 was that it gave the weirdo loser purists who really get mad about people using even things placed in the game by From not inteded to cheese enemies as cheating something to make them shut up and go away.

I explained to my dad the other day about the whole “add an easy mode argument”. He just said, “There is an easy fix for that. Just don’t play the game then. I could have given up on Metroid but I didn’t and I still remember beating it to this day.” That right there coming from a non gamer is the whole point. Also I