
A cancer it sure seems like they actively encouraged back in the day?  You can sell T&A and then get pissed when people expect T&A can you?

If your gut reaction to this is to jump in the comments and talk down to imaginary toxic misogyny in this thread (that doesn’t exist at least not yet) then it might be time to realize you’re an insufferable asshole and nobody likes your holier-than-thou crybaby rants?

No idea how you ever run out of gas when gas stations are marked on the map, camps can refill your tank, and every Nero site has at least one tank.

They don’t want you to be able to drop in, have a bit of fun, leave for a while, and repeat. They want either all of your time, or none of it.

I’ve said this before about Destiny, and I’ll say it again: even as someone who enjoys the game, I think the worst thing Destiny (and the Destiny fanbase) does is encourage the notion that players have to engage really, really seriously with the grind in order to have fun with Destiny.

I’m currently playing through the new Tomb Raiders (finished 2 because it was a PS+ game, almost done with 1, haven’t started 3), and I think they actually handled a response to a pretty extreme situation decently. I used to do nightclub security, and dealt with some surprisingly violent situations for somebody who

This bothered him so much that he almost put the controller down and walked away?

That isn’t really a good analogy.

Now playing

Fact: Lightsabers are cool. Know what’s cooler? Lightsabers swung at a crisp 4K.

That’s good news for me. I recently got around to buying the game finally, just because they launched the Platinum Edition at $25 for the first week. I’m looking forward to playing this!

Techland deserves more love than could possibly be given for a developer.

This. I was halfway through Sekiro when I got my PS5 at launch, and finishing that game at 60fps was really nice. Then I went right into Ghost of Tsushima, which runs at 4K/60, and that really sang on my OLED tv. Then Control hit PS+ and I finally got to enjoy that. Now The Last of Us 2, another game in my backlog,

Co-sign. Got one on launch day because I really wanted to play Demon’s Souls. Since then, the biggest benefit to me is that it doesn’t make the same jet engine sounds as my launch-model PS4.

I don’t want to add to your pain, but I just got my PS5 (through direct) and the Quality of Life Benefits really cannot be understated. I’ve tried a few different PS4 games in my backlog and the difference in loading is wild. On PS4 I would sip my coffee and send a couple texts between loading screens, no time for

I 100% agreed with this blog until last week I finally got a PS5 with Sony Direct (the store I tried to buy from after the first two months of adding to cart hell).

On the other hand:

Sexualized perhaps, but certainly not sexy.

Don’t cover her head, and she looks like a $2,000 sex doll.

Cover up her head and Kendall Jenner truly looks like a Barbie doll come to life.

Me and that gun killed Oryx a whole bunch of times. Add it to the pile of things in this season that almost make me want to try to pick up Destiny again (a pile which is constantly outweighed by little things like “work” and “a three-year-old”).