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Track: Greenery | Artist: Quasimoto | Album: The Further Adventures of Lord Quas

He was a Celtic.

I thought the image was a little much. Then I watched the video. The image doesn’t go far enough.

The only CoDs I’ve tried are the original and MW2, so I don’t pay much attention to them. When I was watching the Sony press conference and the CoD trailer started I just thought it looked like some very highly polished VR game because of how it followed the other VR games and it was first person. I thought I’d like

I liked what I saw. Generally got me excited about the series for the first time since Black Ops in all honesty.

“Imagine a future where, because of a global Crysis, it’s mankind’s Destiny to create a Killzone in space. That’s the atmosphere we’re trying to convey.”

People are just salty about the Modern Warfare remaster not being standalone.

According to his instagram, this is actually his first ever armor cosplay. All I can say is take your time and design it, redo parts if necessary.

It did strike me as a zombie-filled Division! I couldn’t put my finger on how to describe my first impression and what pulled me into the game, but that’s spot on. Yeah, if that’s the case, holy shit, I’m on board with you. Fortunately, my girlfriend is just as into gaming as I am, so as long as I give her a heads up,

Existing reboots will occasionally be remastered for game anniversaries or other special occasions. No new reboots will be created.

No, I mean like they’re not even going to use suffixes or anything. You just buy [game title] for whatever system you own. It’s not [game title] 2 or [game title] 2016. It’ll be the same as [game title] for your previous system but now it will be presented with the superior fidelity offered by your current system.

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Here’s a different video of an extended gameplay demo, for folks who are interested.

Sony busted open my wallet with this. Gaben, forgive me but STAR WARRRSSSS!

Well even as an Xbox player it’s obvious that Sony won it tonight as they had several games no one saw coming, with Resident Evil VII being the shock announcement of E3 for me. Lots of great looking games, no petty ‘look how great we are’ crap that they’ve done previously, and less gimmicks.

I’d love one!

I have been waiting for this my entire life.

Becuase you know SO much about the game already...

Looks like the best one since the second.

Here we go. “My food is local certified naturally grown, and I pay triple price for everything. Everything I purchase is made by hand in a mom and pop shop that’s been there since 1942.”