The sheer number of errors in this paragraph makes everything you say invalid. For reference Acclaim went out of business 10 years ago
I like to think we're all doomed to a slow and possible endless descent into ruin. In our own special ways.
I hate to be 'that guy', but this is what everybody's excited about? As someone that doesn't play CoD/BF/etc. this looks almost identical to those games, but occasionally with robots. I mean, if that's what they're going for, great, but I thought this was supposed to be some sort of multiplayer shooter evolution?
Which says a lot because MW2 was broken as fuck.
They might need to start paying me in bandwidth!
Whatever the Gawker empire is paying you, Jason, it's not enough. This is the best article to ever appear on Kotaku. And I've been here reading Kotaku articles from the start. Thank you!
F***, you guys are annoying. This coming from a badass PC owner. Just shut up, bro.
When did PC gamers become such overcompensating assholes?
Thank you everyone. This is the most stoopidest thread I've made the way to the bottom of. I am dumber now. Good night.
This just in; developers aren't the slaves to you pc gamers. They get paid to make video games. They don't do it, so you can stroke your e-peen ego as you post your specs or what your pc is capable of, without anyone asking, or caring. They do it for the passion of working in the industry, and the paycheck. Mostly the…
Nope, you don't have the definitive edition. Just because you say it, doesn't make it so. And you don't need to be told what you're pc is capable of, do you? You pc gamer you.
That piece of shit machine looks as good as the game on Max settings. You PC loser are just jealous because you spend a $1000 while i get the same graphics for $400. I got you nailed down because of your hate. Your a jealous loser who has to compensate because you spent way too much money. LOLOOLLOLLLOLL Loser, you PC…
Wow look at the hate. Yeah I played it on the PC, but he did say there is stuff even the PC version didn't have. Like the extra particle effects and so on. Granted it isn't enough to warrant a 60 dollar purchase, but these machines aren't pieces of crap. Tress FXHair or whatever it is called is an AMD technology and…
They were probably referring to consoles only. No one needs to be told that PCs can handle anything.
People love to complain. This is amazing stuff and we're a part of a spoiled rotten generation.
Am I the only one impressed here? Who cares what the premise of the game is or the trailer itself. What I see here is a huge jump in the advancement of game graphics. This is beautiful. PS4 is like a new born babe at this point. This "should" be getting people excited. Think back to when PS3 came out and the trailers…
Quick, somebody call 911 because there is a 4th degree burn here.
OH! It said "PC GAMING", when I browsed past this I read "BORING".
White people. White people everywhere.