
As a 30 year “survivor” of a spinal break she is most likely on for a long life of pain. Managed by rehab, medicine, and medicinals. 

I broke my spin simply stepping off a trampoline and onto a dirt ground when I was 12. The back and spine can and will easily break for no rhyme or reason. 

Man I hope they do something great as a tribute to him. I loved reading his article and watching his videos. 

Okay. I’ll play devils advocate and I’m sure get labeled a homophobe. Why can I not, not me cause I own a ps5 and love Spider-Man the way it is, but me as a person buy or download a mod to remove something that I do not want in my game, that I payed for? I can remove all violence from Skyrim. I can mod gta 5 with

Nail and then hammer. Great point. 

Bravo. Great comment. Bravo. 

Do you guys at kotaku ever grow tired of being so absolutely self righteous? 

Reading is fundamental 

Try being a final fight fan….


Nuerotypical and Nuerodivergent are made up words…. And science. 

This is the best article I have read on this site in a long time. Like since I quit reading this site 17 times ago…..

This ^

Polygon is becoming a dumpster fire. I miss the old, old kotaku with crecente, Kurt, Owen and stephen totilo. 


Someone an article is written about calls out kotaku for race baiting. Classic. 

Batman is an asshole. Always has been. He’s a loner. What Batman have you been reading or watching? 

Are you serious? There are bad people on the world. There are horrible terrible evil people in this world. They do deserve to have the crap beat out of them. In Batman’s world, fully of “ fiction characters “ some of the most evil and terrible people exist, and that is the entire reason Batman works the way he does.

This is a ridiculous take. 

Finger, but hole 🕳