This doesn’t have enough stars ⭐️
This doesn’t have enough stars ⭐️
I have been saying this all along. He is most definitely not done with dc, Warner was done with him. If this film has great success, and I watched it today, it’s still a mess but it’s a far better mess than the original, if even a couple of execs at Warner bros think “fuck, maybe we should let him make a sequel or two…
This 1000 percent. Wonky third act and all.
Vibranium. Adamantium is a completely different metal and not yet introduced to the mcu. It’s what composes wolverines claws and is bonded to his bones.
Every kid that grew up in the 80s nightmares. Oh and also twilight zone the movie.
I came for this post. Was not disappointed. Take your star!
The only real disappointment for me is that their was not a lead in to multiverse of madness. A wong and strange 10 second teaser would have sealed the deal for me. It’s obvious that doctor strange will be attempting to recover the darkhold and presumably save wand from the darkness she now possesses. I’m sure she is…
You would be amazed at what praise and some good reviews will do for someone who says he “doesn’t want to be involved” anymore. Praise from Snyder’s fan base will be huge when this launches, HBO and Warner/DC will have no choice but to also acknowledge how “different” this cut is and give Snyder his and with wheddon…
Producer can mean “money guy” as in Snyder’s involvement in said movies as producer can also mean “director who has money and doesn’t want to officially direct but will from the drivers seat” which is probably what would happen with Abrams.
It’s been done. Man of steels first 20 minutes are ALL lens flare.
Money. Also see. Money.
I think it’s hilarious given this sites utter disdain for all that is JJ Abrams that you could even bring yourselves to type and article being excited for whatever shit show this is gonna be. If the rumors are true ( probably not but if they are ) of this being a Val-Zod movie to bring in a Superman that is a POC,…
So does this only work on titles coded to be unlocked frame rates or does this fps boost override titles that are locked at 30 fps like gta 5 and red dead. I might be wrong, but the ps5 doesn’t have “boost mode” because it’s enabled right out of the box, but only on titles that are with unlocked frame rates. I plan to…
I miss the office on Netflix, but after about a month of it being gone I realized as much as I love it, I was just using it to fall asleep at night..... so yeah, no peacock for me.
NBC and Hulu make a lot of sense to me personally.
That was incredibly well said. Thank you.
At least it looks like they got rid of that horrible red coloring all over the final act, that was an atrocity and seem to be using cavils original performance without the mustached editing. That plus the fleshing out of the nightmare scenario ( let’s be honest that’s what everyone wants to see, a nightmare scenario…
Here’s the thing. It’s not going to be good. But I think it’s going to be so far from whedons obvious hackjob that Snyder fans will love it. It will become the canonical film, and flashpoint can go and be all half dark like Wonder Woman and aqua man, and if handled correctly reset the entire “universe” and team to…
Came here for this. Was not disappointed.
Can fromsoft just get on with the 60 fps patch for ps5 please!!!!!!