
Yeah this is straight up college level plagiarism. Just change a few words here and there and bam deadline is done. Filip is also done at ign and anywhere else I would assume. 

That’s last sentence was missed by at least half of the generation reading this article. They don’t even know what that statement means. 

This exactly 

Wagyu and Kobe are not cousins. Wagyu is the American or anywhere outside of Kobe in japan. While similar the Japanese have perfected Kobe beef for decades while wagyu varies in quality and consistency. Same cattle. Not always the same process to get the meat the same. That being said great article and both are highly

This exactly. 

Ask the Russians and the rest of the former ussr about that. 

So socialism at its finest. Awesome. 

I haven’t been on the site very much. Been super busy with work. This really makes me sad. Hope fahey is okay and getting great help. I’ve been on this site a long time way back to the beginning and oddly thing of you as family. Best wishes mike and I will definitely contribute. As a person with Avn I know the idea of

I’m married so I ofcourse have never seen tinder before (I’m 38) and I own a restaurant that employees staff mostly 20-35 so a lot of single employees. Long story short I played with an employees tinder while they were there just to see what all the hubbub was about and omg does anyone have any self respect left? Some

It can be taken both ways but yes it counts as sexual contact. I think he’s simply referring to penetration as “ nothing serious” it’s like a guy saying “yeah she gave me a blowjob, but I didn’t fuck her so it wasn’t cheating” bs

Don’t like the Elena actress. She just doesn’t fit the character right. Otherwise loved it. Looks like Fillion got in shape for this also, he was getting s little pudgy on that last show he was on. 

Yeah that Kim possible cosplayer is just a stunning woman period. And if that’s her real hair and color. Wow. 

You are to that Kim possible.  Nothing wrong with that. 

So who is the most powerful sayain period. I always thought goku had the highest attainable form but I haven’t watch the series since trunks and the androids? 

It was a glorious day was it not. 

Agree 100%. Been here for ages back when totilo and crecente ran this joint and was starred as well. I have strong opinions and Have been known to express those opinions about certain topics with a lot of the gusto. But I’ve also been known to apologize to people and generally just be a neutral poster and I’ve been

Wait what? Why not just start fresh and make this a new ip. Makes no sense. The “darksiders” name alone is a pass for me. 

I’m so happy that Warframe has continued to succeed and digital Extremes is able to operate independently and make money. They put so much care and effort into this franchise it makes destiny and bingos look like fools. It was my first PS4 game and still love it to this day. So deep. 

Is there going to be variety to the side missions in Spider-Man or are we doomed to the trap of fetch this, beat up this guy, take this package here ala infamous? Beautiful and boring? 

This also happened to house. Original song was tear drop by massive attack, then they syndicated it and just badly “recreated” something similar to tear drop and moved on. Still irritates me when I see it