
So, just to play devils advocate, are you saying that a person with good intentions cannot join the peace Corp, and I don’t know, learn on the job, project to project and acquire those skills, you know, like in the real world? I mean I’m sure they have some sort of mentor or instructional program in the peace Corp,

So, ugh, we’re is the story?

I don’t know. I think in this political climate today if this was a hetero couple the backlash would be stronger.

Well I thought I was all out but I have one left. Take your damn star.

I think I’m gonna power thru DOOM on my pro. It’s been sitting on my hard drive. Is it any good or am I wasting my time. I think I played the first level and got bored.

I stopped when I read RAPELAY. A game where you stalk and rape a family of 3. Like, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS THIS???? Please tell me this is not real.

This is exactly how i have played. I easily logged 100+ hours when D2 came out and haven’t really touched it since Osiris. Didn’t even bother to complete all that Osiris had as the weapons were bunk. Hopefully some TTK like dlc will bring me and my clan back into the fold. The mechanics are solid, just need some new

And now I’m reading a Wikipedia entry about an engine from the 90s and looking up other engines from the 90s and you have made my day sir or madam. Thank you!

Hey it’s Owen. What’s up man? Been busy? Write and article or two every once in a while. I miss your style.

You should check twitch out sometime. Most of it is garbage, it I found some really interesting cooking sites, art sites and even a very talented guitar player on their.

TLDR. Girl with large assets pushes boundaries on horribly toxic service and remains true to herself. Excellently long writing by Cecilia. Bravo

Star for the sentiment (I’m in the business) and really for F5 douchtornado. I’m stealing that post haste.

And i have never told anyone I have disagreed with to be quiet ever. I enjoy quality debate

I posted an opinion. You came at me dudebro. Throwing out “butthurt” and acting like an ass. You said I was “holding the nra genitals”. All the aggression is coming from you. I’m not an NRA supporter and stand by the fact that I think the article is walking a bad path. FUCK RIGHT OFF with yourself.

I’m not “butthurt” about people criticizing the nra. Way to use a bigoted term against gueer individuals btw. I support and defend free speech, OF ALL AND ANY KIND. go home troll. No one wants the hate your selling.

Omg. Your descriptions of you and her, ARE ME AND MY WIFE.

This. My feet must be out of the bottom.

I’m very hot natured and in Texas, so for me it’s too sheet only 99% of the time and fleece blanket when it’s really cold (like 40 or lower). The wife however would sleep under 10 fleece blankets and a comforter in summer time, so as you can imagine our sleep situation is a mess by morning.

St Pauli na and kaliber are “okay”

Absolutely positive about it.