If this is legit like ninja Gaiden I’ll buy it full price, day one on console. Ninja Gaiden is my favorite game of all time. I was super bummed it didn’t make the super nes mini.
If this is legit like ninja Gaiden I’ll buy it full price, day one on console. Ninja Gaiden is my favorite game of all time. I was super bummed it didn’t make the super nes mini.
I’m with you. Y comments are full of defense for Bungie. But this is absurd. At this point I think they are just trolling. Or fucking drunk.
You won’t get flamed from me for just using simple logic. But logic is lost on the emotional.
Your saying if I played snakes revenge, in 1990, as a ten year old, that I never liked metal gear?!? Fuck you and your entitled bullshit.
Anyone under the age of 10 will want this. It’s gonna sell like hot cakes
I’m glad someone said it. Thank you Rachel
Yeah no. I’ll just sit here with my pro and Xbox one x and continually adjust my screen settings and obsess over that. I don’t need anymore anxiety.
You are not alone
This was hilarious bro. Great job.
How exactly did he “patch” these creatures into a PS4 game? Not trolling serious question.
Hey peter. I just want to say thanks for the great articles today. Really was refreshing and interesting. The ninja Gaiden weather article was really a trip back down memory lane for me. Hope we will see more of your work around these parts. Where else do you contribute?
I played that first boss jaqiou like 100 times just to learn his patterns and finally beat him, thinking he was the last boss, only to find out, NOPE there is a way harder boss awaiting me. Man that story and gameplay was amazing for that time. Really drew you in to the game.
Ninja Gaiden was the first game that ever made me do fan fiction. The drama that was involved with the story, cia agents, evil bad guys, ninjas, FUCKING NINJAS!!! Man that whole series is amazing and I have them all unlocked on the original XBOX somewhere. I was really, really bummed that the trilogy that was…
For the first time in a long time I have started to look for other sites to casually go to and participate in. Your not alone. Polygon is even worse. IGN is trollsville and god damn it if joystiq didn’t get killed off. I could use some joystiq right now. Been hitting up destructoid and giantbomb a bit. Seem slightly…
Bazinga! You win.
I will be powering thru horizon and it’s expansion. Let’s see if I give up half way like I did with Witcher 3.
Great game. Still have it.
Neir and Nioh. Two separate and awesome games. I get the non Nintendo Japanese exclusives part, but buy these cheap when you can. Both amazing games.
This. The ps4 and ps5 is I’ll most likely be almost identical just a hardware upgrade. So backwards compatibility is almost assured on the 5. People still don’t understand on a fundamental level that the cell processor makes backward compatibility on the ps4 near impossible. The hardware isn’t good enough and it would…